A transcript of the interview of the Chronicler staffs to Dr. Eva M. Machutes, Associate Professor III ?regarding the application of BaSC to Universityhood on February 7 at the CED building. Staff: How many percent of your documents do you think are qualified for the institution to become a ?university?? Dr. Eva: Of the 9 indicators, we have 5 with YES remarks, so it means, it is complied. But there are 4 ?indicators which are not complied. One of them is d full-time faculty teachers handling course subjects has ?only 91% but for d part time teachers handling course subjects, there are 69% only. For the teachers who ?are full-time teaching in with licensed programs has only 89% while for the part time teachers who are ?handling subjects with license, board courses or with license program, they have only 66%. These are the 4 ?areas which are not complied. But what is good there is that its more than 50% of the compliance.? Staff: What are the strengths and weaknesses of the school in terms of faculty qualification?? Dr. Eva: For the strength, at least 91% are qualified to teach but the sad part there is for the part-timers ?who only have 66%.? Staff: Does it mean ma'am that we need to hire more part-time teachers?? Dr. Eva: We need to hire qualified part time teachers. These part-timers especially on those licensed ?program, they should be professionally equipped.? Staff: Do they need to be LET passers ma'am?? Dr. Eva: There are part time teachers if they are teaching board subjects, they should be with eligibility or ?they should be LET passers. But for those non-board courses like BS HRM, Bachelor of Arts and the rest, the ?important there is that they take professional subjects related to teaching. They have to get 2 year-Prof Ed ?courses to qualify.? Staff: What improvements are needed to overcome these said weaknesses?? Dr. Eva: Hire those who are qualified and do not hire those who are not qualified. And for those who are ?already here teaching but they are not qualified, let them enroll and do what is required for them to qualify.? Staff: What can you say about the performance of your staff and to all the people involved?? Dr. Eva: With the staff, there is no problem with them because we were able to finish the work not on the ?due but before the due time. My companions are Assan Badirra, Dr. Marites P. Agang and Ms Teffany Jane ?Molejon. There are four of us.?